STOP PRESS!!! Caster Semenya is successful in her claim against Switzerland in the European Court of Human Rights.

Written by Cloisters

Schona Jolly KC acting with Claire McCann for Caster Semenya and instructed by Norton Rose Fulbright, South Africa, and Tyr LLP, said:

“We are absolutely delighted for our client today. Caster has never given up her fight to be allowed to compete and run free. Today’s judgment is testament to her resilience and courage. This important personal win for her is also a wider victory for elite athletes around the world. It means that sporting governance bodies around the world must finally recognise that human rights law and norms apply to the athletes they regulate.”

You can find the judgment here: [french only] and see here [BBC Coverage].

Link to the press release here [in English].

For more information and further press coverage, please see below:

Guardian -

Independent -

The Times -

ITV News -


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